Big Announcement! I Can Now Care For Diabetic Cats and Dogs!

I have often seen posts on the house-sitting websites that I am a member of where families are looking for someone to care for their diabetic cats or dogs while they go away. In the past, I did not have the qualifications to apply for these sits. I have now completed the necessary training!

I went to Van Isle Veterinary Clinic in Courtenay this week. The Vet taught me how to inject insulin while substituting saline solution. Then, I watched her as she demonstrated each step. Then, she had me practice each step and verbally describe what each step involved, how each step was done, and the precautions to take. She demonstrated each step again using her dog after those practice sessions.

I didn’t have my own cat (I don’t have a cat at home since I started doing house sits) to bring to the appointment, so she taught me using her small dog, which is the same size as a cat. I carefully watched and listened to why and how each step was done.

Her dog was super cooperative. I asked her how to restrain a cat that was not cooperative. She suggested putting a laundry basket on a table and putting the cat in it. It is easier than trying to do it at tabletop level than when the cat is down on the floor. The cat is restrained somewhat in the laundry basket.

She said diabetic cats are so used to being injected every 12 hours by their owners, that they should be fairly cooperative. She said to distract the cat with treats to take its mind off of what I am doing to it. Then, after I am finished, I will give the cat some tuna and some cuddles.

This is a serious concern for people when they go away and are looking for someone to care for their cats properly and that they know how to get insulin injections. People don’t want to have to worry about that.

If you or someone you know would like me to care for your diabetic cats or dogs, please reach out!